Foods that are high in protein and fiber are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn fat around your middle.
Did you know that it takes more energy to digest protein than it does to digest fat or carbs? So the more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns. It can take up to 25% of the calories ingested to digest protein. In other words, take a lean steak and cut off a quarter. That's how much of the steak is being burned up to digest the remainder of the steak.
AND before I go into all the various do's and don'ts, I cannot stress enough how important breakfast is. It doesn't have to be a "meal" as such. If you're not a breakfast person, try just a small yoghurt within an hour of waking up. Or a small bowl of oatmeal with a dash of honey (no sugar and butter).
Breakfast kick-starts the metabolism which means you burn more fat and have more energy during the day. AS IMPORTANT is to rather eat 5 small meals a day, rather then 2 or 3 big meals. This not only keeps the blood sugar levels constant but also promotes better digestion (no bloating) and better absorbtion of nutrients. AHHHH ... I almost forgot another golden rule. Eat slowly and chew your food well before swallowing. This also aids digestion, enjoyment and you will get full quicker, thus will eat less.
Small Meals throughout the Day
It is advisable to break up your daily meal schedule into shorter meals. For example instead of having traditional three full size meals, cut them to smaller meals but five times a day. And to end your day you may savor some light dessert. Don't eat within 3 hours of bedtiime.
The wiser decision for a slimmer waistline is to have sensible meals instead of cutting down on meals.
Sensible food intake, with sufficient fiber and protein, during short intervals throughout the day will keep away the usual snack urge that one feels otherwise. Proper water intake along with such diet will surely give you a fuller and satiated feeling and you won�t feel like munching at odd hours.
Reduce your Sodium (salt) intake
Sodium is also a cause of bloating and can make your tummy look flabby.
One must be aware that sodium is found not only in salty foods; it is in all kinds of foods and is used for preservation.
All canned foods, TV dinners and soup-to-go lunches have a high percentage of sodium. Some of them contain over half of your daily intake of sodium.
Sometimes one's stomach feels heavy and bloated, even after small meals?
Wanting a flat stomach is not always a simple matter of vanity. Abdominal bloating can be painful and embarrassing. When your stomach is constantly severely bloated it can undermine your confidence as well as your health.
EggsEggs are super high in protein and can help you burn that unwanted belly fat.
I worry about my overall cholesterol intake so I remove the yolk and still benefit from the high protein contained in the white of the egg. Try an egg-white omelette.
Eggs also contain the vitamin B12 -- a great supplement for breaking down fat cells.
Oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system. Oatmeal is also beneficial in fighting colon cancer and heart disease.
Olive Oil
Certain fats are good for you and your body needs them. Olive oil is one of those "good fats". In fact, it's so good that it helps you burn fat and keeps your cholesterol down.
Through all those salad dressings away. Full of flavourants, unhealthy fats and sodium. Drizzle you salads with olive oil instead. Fabulous on roast veges, as well.
High levels of antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene fend off the belly fat.
Get a good dose of beta-carotene from carrots, squash and peaches. You can get your vitamin C from oranges and berries, but remember that fruit juice is not a good substitute for the real thing.
Lean Meats
Choose fish, and poultry without the skin, and trimmed lean meats. Shellfish and crayfish are higher in cholesterol than most types of fish, but lower in saturated fat and total fat than most meats and poultry.
Yogurt has protein as well as natural bacteria that help you digest food more efficiently, reducing stomach bloating.
Leafy green veggies like lettuce do the same thing that the skins of fruit do – only better! Leafy greens never actually get broken down by the stomach. Instead, it gets crushed into really fine pieces. Those fine pieces work its way through your bowels and scrub them clean!
t may be green and leafy, but spinach is no nutritional wallflower. This noted muscle-builder is a rich source of plant-based omega-3s and folate, which help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Bonus: Folate also increases blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect you against age-related sexual issues. Aim for 1 cup fresh spinach or a half cup cooked per day.
There are two things you need to know about tomatoes: Red are the best, because they’re packed with more of the antioxidant lycopene, and processed tomatoes are just as potent as fresh ones, because it’s easier for the body to absorb the lycopene. Studies show that a diet rich in lycopene can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, breast, skin, and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Aim for 22 mg of lycopene a day, which is about eight red cherry tomatoes or a glass of tomato juice.
Most red, yellow, or orange vegetables and fruits are spiked with carotenoids — fat-soluble compounds that are associated with a reduction in a wide range of cancers, as well as a reduced risk and severity of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis — but none of them is as easy to prepare, or have as low a caloric density, as carrots do. Aim for a half cup a day.Drink lots of Water
Strange as it may seem, not getting enough fluid in your diet can actually lead to fluid retention and bloating.
Charcoal Tablets
One of the quickest ways to beat the bloat is to take charcoal tablets. This is because charcoal, say practitioners, has powerful absorption properties and the ability to soak up gases, small particles of toxins and bacteria found in the large intestine that can lead to bloating.
Eating charcoal absorbs these gases, reduces the size of the large intestine and deflates the stomach. If you feel bloated, take two tablets, three times a day. Available from most chemists and good health shops, a coating prevents your mouth from turning black and produce a neutral, non-charcoal taste.
PLEASE NOTE - These are not bad as in unhealthy or even fattening but they do lead to bloatedness and some are fattening. I'm addressing bloatedness more than anything else, here.Milk and dairy products, especially fermented cheeses like camembert and brie and blue cheeses, fried foods, ready-meals (especially pizza and lasagne), dried beans, carbohydrates (potatoes, corn and pasta are all very bloating). Bread which is too hot or too cold, some salads, sorbets, creams and ice cream, alcohol and fizzy drinks, which both contain too much sugar. Chewing-gum is another culprit, causing you to ingest air while chewing.
Foods that typically create gas are high fibre vegetables such as onions, garlics, leaks, peas, beans, lentils, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts.
Abstaining from carbohydrates in favor of certain vegetables is important for getting a flatter mid-section. Avoid potatoes, other starchy vegetables and pasta. Choose foods like asparagus, carrots, baby marrows and bell peppers. These vegetables are rich in enzymes that assist in digestion and metabolism. Other vegetables to exclude - onions, sauerkraut, broccoli, brussel sprouts, legumes.
Learning to stand correctly and maintain upright poise can increase your height by around half an inch or more - and help prevent your stomach from collapsing.
EXERCISE - Sorry guys but it had to fit in somewhere.
THERE IS NO COMPENSATION FOR AEROBIC EXERCISE. To get ripped you must put some aerobic exercise in your routine. I suggest 15-30 minutes, four days a week (skipping is pretty good). Or go for a five km walk a few days a week.
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