Next time you're not feeling well, take a look at what's in your fridge, fruit tray or vege drawer. You may find just what you need there.
Drinking fruit juice is likely to increase your risk of diabetes, while eating whole fruits could actually decrease your risk. Eating 2 servings of whole fruits a day was associated with a 13% decreased risk of type II diabetes compared to those who ate fruit once a month.
The lower risk was found for certain fruits such as apples, blueberries, and grapes. In comparison, people who drank 1 or more servings of fruit juice a day increased their risk ofdiabetes by 21%.
Why does eating fruit apparently protect against diabetes while drinking fruit juice increases the risk? The Harvard researchers aren’t exactly sure, but they think the glycemic index may be a culprit.
The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels; the higher the score, the faster a food raises blood glucose levels. Overall, fruit juices display higher glycemic scores than whole fruits.
Whole fruits contain fiber, which slows digestion, blunting the effects of blood sugar spikes. On the other hand, fruit juices can spike blood sugar levels quickly.
Pomegranates were once considered the food of the ancient gods. Today, fortunately, they’re accessible to “mortals” like you and me. And best of all, they may help to reverse atherosclerosis.
Pomegranates prevent cholesterol oxidation — a factor involved in plaque development.
Pomegranates prevent cholesterol oxidation — a factor involved in plaque development.
Beet juice supports healthy blood pressure levels and contain nitrates, which relax blood vessel walls.
Tart cherries
Tart cherries 
Dark colored fruits, like tart cherries, are rich in powerful compounds called flavonoids, which are currently attracting some serious attention for their antioxidant properties.
Anthocyanins are a special class of flavonoids that provide tart cherries with their characteristic flavour, deep red colour, and diverse health benefits.
In addition, tart cherries are also rich in antioxidants like quercetin, genistein, naringenin, and chlorogenic acid.
So what exactly do we stand to gain from eating all of this antioxidant power? Drinking tart cherry juice can boost melatonin levels and enhance the quality and duration of sleep.
Anthocyanins are a special class of flavonoids that provide tart cherries with their characteristic flavour, deep red colour, and diverse health benefits.
In addition, tart cherries are also rich in antioxidants like quercetin, genistein, naringenin, and chlorogenic acid.
So what exactly do we stand to gain from eating all of this antioxidant power? Drinking tart cherry juice can boost melatonin levels and enhance the quality and duration of sleep.
Fruit (not Fruit Juices)
Fruit can be an excellent snack, but are you eating it the right way? Yes, there actually is a “right way” to eat fruit, believe it or not.Drinking fruit juice is likely to increase your risk of diabetes, while eating whole fruits could actually decrease your risk. Eating 2 servings of whole fruits a day was associated with a 13% decreased risk of type II diabetes compared to those who ate fruit once a month.
The lower risk was found for certain fruits such as apples, blueberries, and grapes. In comparison, people who drank 1 or more servings of fruit juice a day increased their risk ofdiabetes by 21%.
Why does eating fruit apparently protect against diabetes while drinking fruit juice increases the risk? The Harvard researchers aren’t exactly sure, but they think the glycemic index may be a culprit.
The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels; the higher the score, the faster a food raises blood glucose levels. Overall, fruit juices display higher glycemic scores than whole fruits.
Whole fruits contain fiber, which slows digestion, blunting the effects of blood sugar spikes. On the other hand, fruit juices can spike blood sugar levels quickly.
Tomatoes are antioxidants - lycopene, is a powerful cancer fighter.
You probably know that yoghurt is great for your gut, but did you know it’s good for your mouth too?
According to research, young children who frequently eat yoghurt are less likely to get cavities. Yoghurt contains friendly bacteria which protect teeth against demineralisation and, also, help remineralisation.
But please skimp on the sugary yogurt cups. The sugar is anything but good for your teeth.
According to research, young children who frequently eat yoghurt are less likely to get cavities. Yoghurt contains friendly bacteria which protect teeth against demineralisation and, also, help remineralisation.
But please skimp on the sugary yogurt cups. The sugar is anything but good for your teeth.
Cabbages are known for their anti-cancer properties, but they’re less-well known for their anti-ulcer effects. They contain S-methylmethionine (also known as “vitamin U”), which protects the stomach against damage.

Honey Soothes Minor Injuries -Not only does honey in tea or warm water soothe a scratchy throat, but it's also been used to treat wounds for thousands of years. Honey is also helpful in healing minor to moderate burns. Additionally, a protein called defensin-1 gives honey its antibacterial property.
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